Shahjangi is a village panchayat that is located in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar in India. The nearest airport from this village town is
Purnea Airport far away 75 km. The nearest districts from this village are Banka, Purnea, Godda, and Khagaria. There are Government Hospital
and Clinics where the people take their patients to get medical treatment and medication. Asha Ambulance Service in Shahjangi
is one of the top-secure ICU medication and transportation service privileges where the people always trust us and transfer their loved one.
Hospitals in Shahjangi: Government Hospital and Clinics
Distance between Shahjangi and Bhagalpur: 6 km (20-25 minutes)
Distance between Shahjangi and Patna: 253 km (6.30-7.00 Hours)
Shahjangi is a village panchayat that is located in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar in India. The nearest airport from this village town is
Purnea Airport far away 75 km. The nearest districts from this village are Banka, Purnea, Godda, and Khagaria. There are Government Hospital
and Clinics where the people take their patients to get medical treatment and medication. Asha Ambulance Service in Shahjangi
is one of the top-secure ICU medication and transportation service privileges where the people always trust us and transfer their loved one.
Hospitals in Shahjangi: Government Hospital and Clinics
Distance between Shahjangi and Bhagalpur: 6 km (20-25 minutes)
Distance between Shahjangi and Patna: 253 km (6.30-7.00 Hours)
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