Puraini Jagdispur is a village that is located in the Bhagalpur state of Bihar in India. There is a Primary Health Centre, Clinics, and Healthcare Centre
where the people always go to get their medical treatments. In emergency time, Asha Ambulance Service in Puraini Jagdishpur always gives
the most supportive hands to transfer their patients. This ambulance service company is working for round the clock to take the prompt response to help the sick people.
Hospitals in Puraini: Primary Health Centre, Clinics, and Nursing Homes
Distance between Puraini and Bhagalpur: 51 km (1.45-2.00 Hours)
Distance between Puraini and Patna: 261 km (6.45-7.00 Hours)
An ISO Certified Asha Ambulance Service from Puraini is a full-time emergency and instant patients’ transportation service. This ambulance service offers roadway, airway,
and railway line medical evacuation service facility. Basically, this patent ambulance service provides all the emergency patients transportation such as Cardiac
Care Ambulance, Ventilator Ambulance, Oxygen Ambulance, Advanced Life Support Ambulance, Basic Life Support Ambulance, AC Ambulance, ICU Ambulance, and Accidental Ambulance.
This service is on-phone for all the societies of patients round the clock to displace from this city to anywhere in India.
In addition to road ambulance services, Asha Ambulance Service (AAS) also provides Air Charter Ambulance, Charter Aircraft Medical Flight, Jet Aircraft Ambulance, Commercial
Stretcher, 1st, or 2nd AC Train Ambulance, and Wheelchair to transfer the very serious patients. All the medical transport service is made of a highly secure ICU setup in
which all the essential things of emergency equipment and medical team are available. This ambulance service always takes full-time medication and responsibility from one bed to the
destination bed for the patients' transportations' sake. There is an ambulance cost that is fair and affordable. Anyone can easily afford it and shifts his loved one from this city
to anywhere in India or the recommended place.
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