Behea or Bihia is a Nagar Panchayat town is located in the Bhojpur state of Bihar. The economy of this town people depends on agriculture
and commerce. There are some hospitals in this town where the patients go for their first aid. In the emergency time, ASHA Ambulance Service from Bihia is
always standing with them from day to night on-phone.
Hospitals in Behea: Vishal Lakwa Hospital, Maa Mahathin Hospital, Poly Clinics, Arav Anusha Hospital, and Sadar Hospital
Distance from Behea to Patna: 78 km (2.45-3.00 Hours) via NH922
ASHA Ambulance Service in Behea is around a clock medical transportation service for serious, accidental, or normal patients. Mainly, the patients from Behea
give their first priority to Patna Super-Specialty Hospitals. This ambulance company provides them the entire sources of road ambulance services such as- ACLS Ambulance,
BLS Ambulance, Cardiac Ambulance, Ventilator Ambulance, Oxygen Ambulance, Accidental Ambulance, AC Ambulance, Emergency ICU Ambulance, and Normal Ambulance.
All the ambulance services are well-occupied with their respective features and accommodation in connection with the patients.
Generally, Asha Ambulance Service, AAS facilitates this ambulance journey with an experienced medical team unit (Doctors, Paramedical Technicians, ICU Staff, Medical
Crew, and Personnel). According to the patients’ requirements, this ambulance service provides them ambulance and medical team. Inside the ambulance, there is a
thorough medical setup is accommodated. Their names are Ventilator, Cardiac Monitor, Oxygen Cylinders, Infusion Machine, Suction Pump, Nebulizer, Respirator,
Defibrillator, External Pacemaker, Emergency Medicines, Laryngoscope, and the whole sets of basic and advance life stocks. As the medical evacuation service
is based on the bed to the bed service system, we provide the moving ICU Setup with the patients.
In the lieu of this quality management service, this ambulance does only demand an affordable price which never makes any people burden. We always want transparency and
clearance in each medical journey; therefore, we are responsible for each society of patients round the clock.